Key points to keep an eye on before taking the car emissions test

When you want to register your car in the US, one of the key requirements is for it to pass the emissions test. If the car fails the emissions test, repairs must be made within 30 days so that the car can be inspected again. There are certain issues that may cause the car to fail the emissions test and we bring you some of the most common malfunctions that may cause these issues.


If the O2 sensor fails, it will not measure the correct oxygen levels in the exhaust system. This can result in failing the emissions test since the exhaust fumes become more toxic. Faulty sensor can can also cause a lot of different problems. It can cause power loss, fuel consumption increase and engine overheat. It is advised that you make sure the O2 sensor is working properly in order to avoid costly repairs.


Make sure that the fuel mixture is right. This means checking the fuel system to make sure all the components are working properly. If the mixture is too rich, your car will surely fail the emissions test. Why? Because the levels of carbon monoxide increase and the measurements will then be above the allowed limit.

Exhaust system

Check the exhaust for any leaks. If there is a leak in the exhaust, the O2 sensor will read wrong data, meaning that once again the levels of toxic gases will be above the allowed limit. You should also check the gas cap, vacuum hoses and the valve. All the components must work properly if you want your car to pass the emissions testing.

We hope that this info can help you and if you are preparing your car for the emissions test, you can also read these tips that will help you pass the emissions testing.

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