Good to Know and Grow – Connecticut based company making the daily commute hurt less

Last updated on March 21st, 2018

Rideshare, originally out Hartford, CT, began in 1980.  At the time they were thinking ahead and wasting no time with their initiative.  Their agenda to fill a need was focused easing the pain of commuting by educating and innovating in the areas of ridesharing and commuting choices while expanding on them.  In 1997, they expanded their efforts to help companies and their employees that commuted into and within Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New York.  They followed this by helping to bring focus to other areas of need such as area group homes.

By 2008, the award-winning Rideshare created the groundbreaking easy green carpools, whose model was to, again, ease the burden of commuting on the employee and employer.  The big winner, in the long run, would be the environment.  The first big clients were Fox groups affiliates, the Big Ten Network out of Chicago and the National Geographic Channel out of Washington, D.C.

In 2011, they again partnered with Fox to provide a program called easy commute to one of its affiliates in Los Angeles.  Easy Commute was a vanpool service.  Rideshare has proven again and again to be a company with the right ideas and ethical motives and they are still growing as a result.

They now bring us a promising option for continuing down a path of environmental responsibility in the form of innovative carpooling.  It’s still called easy green carpooling but it’s much more attainable for employers and employees as it’s closer than ever before.  The exciting part, of course, is how the numbers break down:

For every one carpool vehicle, twelve thousand pounds of greenhouse gases are reduced.  Five hundred gallons of fuel are conserved and two tons of recycled waste are saved from our landfills.  That is the same energy savings as one household’s annual electricity consumption!

What this means for employers is savings.  Land premiums are at an all-time high.  For every one carpool vehicle put into service, three parking lot spaces are saved.  That might not seem like such a big deal unless you’re renting that parking space or might otherwise put that space to a different use.  Besides, the benefit of trading one space for four adds up, the more Carpoolers are employed.  There are other obvious aspects that go with providing such unique benefits to employees that finally result in higher employee retention.

The benefits of such a program for employees are much easier to point out.  It is enticing as well in our current economy.  For starters, the riders in a carpool scenario do away with the stress associated with the daily commute.  They enjoy the benefit of no wear and tear on their personal vehicles and may even be in a position to save money on their own car insurance premiums, being enrolled in such a program.  They have a chance to do other things with the time they spend along the way to work, like socializing with their fellow passengers or reading over the morning’s meeting agenda.  The carpool volunteer drivers enjoy a fuel-efficient vehicle with insurance, GPS monitoring, complimentary maintenance and repairs, 24/7 customer service and roadside assistance and other incentives where they are in the nation.  If you are interested as an employer, employee or just wants to be, visit for more information.

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